Projets \ Infinity \ Within subject design (experiment 2) \ Cybersickness, VisualFatigue, Stress, CognitiveLoad - Stroop VR \ README Folder structure.txt

Nom : README Folder structure.txt (readme-folder-structure.txt)

Description :

Créateur : Gildas Bayard

Taille : 1.80Ko

Création : 07/07/2023 15:44

Licence : CeCILL-C 1.0

Down below is the tree structure of a standard subject folder.
The {id} are all the same for a given subject.
The {timestamp} depend on the moment of the questionnaire during the session.
During the experiment 1, each subject follow only one {type of task}.
XXX stands for the number of the experiment's subject.

|   sessionInfo_{id}.json (contains the timestamps of each steps of the experiment)
|       ecg_{id}.csv (template for the columns of the ECG csv)
|       ECG_Fs_Info.csv (frequency of sampling related file)
|       IE1_XXX_Session1_ECG_83B8_Calibrated_PC.csv (ECG raw data obtained on the computer during the experiment)
|       IE1_XXX_Session1_ECG_83B8_Calibrated_SD.csv (ECG raw data obtained on the sensor during the experiment)
|       ECG_Fs_Info.csv 
|       eda_{id}.csv (template for the columns of the EDA csv)
|       IE1_032_Session1_EDA_4B7F_Calibrated_PC.csv (EDA raw data obtained on the computer during the experiment)
|       IE1_032_Session1_EDA_4B7F_Calibrated_SD.csv (ECG raw data obtained on the sensor during the experiment)
|       blinks_{id}.csv (blinks raw data obtained on the VR Headset during the experiment)
|       eyeTrackerData_{id}.csv (eyeTracker raw data obtained on the VR Headset during the experiment)
|       questionnaire_NASATLX_{timestamp}.csv (subject's answers for the NASATLX questionnaire)
|       questionnaire_STAI_{timestamp}.csv (subject's answers for the STAI questionnaire)
|       questionnaire_VRSQ_{timestamp}.csv (subject's answers for the VRSQ questionnaire)
        {id}stroop{type of task}.csv (results of the StroopTest. It informs on the subject's performance for the given task)

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