Ce portail permet l'exploitation des données expérimentales acquises au sein du laboratoire Heudiasyc.
Heudiasyc (HEUristique et DIAgnostic des SYstèmes Complexes) est un laboratoire géré conjoitement par l'Université de Technologie de Compiègne et le CNRS.
Il opère dans le domaine des sciences de l'information et du numérique, à savoir l'informatique, l'automatique, la robotique et l'intelligence artificielle.
Il y a actuellement 13 projets contenant 95 jeux de données depuis 2018.
Dernières mises à jour :
14/01/2025 -
Automatic Image Annotation for Mapped Features Detection
Dataset used in the article "Automatic Image Annotation for Mapped Features Detection"...
14/05/2024 -
Learning to Estimate Two Dense Depths from LiDAR and Event Data
This project contains the data used as part of the "Learning to Estimate Two Dense Depths from LiDAR and Event Data" article, publishe...
14/07/2023 -
Please find details and refer to this article if you use those data: Full reference and DOI will be communicated soon.
Two experi...
04/10/2024 -
Dataset for object detection
Contain all images and pointwise annotations used to train YOLOv7 pole base detectors and the obtained weights.
14/05/2024 -
The Synthetic LiDAR Events Depths (SLED) Dataset
The Synthetic LiDAR Events Depths (SLED) Dataset, as described in the "Learning to Estimate Two Dense Depths from LiDAR and Event Data"...
14/06/2023 -
Within subject design (experiment 2)
Data from 31 subjects
04/10/2024 -
Validation set
939 images, manual pointwise annotations and automatic pointwise annotations from map-based, image segmentation-based and lidar-based methods
14/05/2024 -
Pre-trained weights
The pre-trained weights, used within the article:
14/05/2024 -
Train/val/test sets (CARLA 0.9.14)
The training, validation, and testing sets of the SLED dataset, each downloadable as a single .zip file
This dataset was recorded with the...
Mise en avant :
This dataset comprises labelled LIDAR scans, which were acquired in 6 locations in France by Renault and Heudiasyc Lab, both members of the joint Lab SIVALab. Each LIDAR point is labelled with t...
This dataset was recorded for cooperative localization with a platoon of two Renault Zoés on the UTC Séville test track. Each vehicle is equipped with a low-cost mono-frequenc...
Datasets generated based on INFOCA institution data for the firefighters timetabling problem FFTP